Order No. K-RERA/T1/1026/2020 dated 12.09.2023 - LANDMARK MILLENNIA CENTRE
Notification for appointment to the post of Technical or Administrative Member for the Kerala Real Estate Appellate Tribunal as provided under the Real Estate(Regulation and Development) Act, 2016
Applications are invited from Individuals/State or Central Government employees for appointment as Member of the Kerala Real Estate Appellate TribunalMore...2023-08-21
Invitation of quotation for supply of Laptop & Printer
Interested parties may submit their quotation on or before 01/09/2023More...2023-08-19
Display of QR code in every Project promotion/ Advertisements by K-RERA registered real estate projects -orders issued.
This order shall come into force with effect from 1st September 2023More...2023-07-10
Invitation of quotation for supply of Laptop & Printer
Last date 18/07/2023More...2023-07-06
Directions & guidelines with respect to the Complaints filed under Section 31 of Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016, further directions-Reg.
Further directions-reg.More...2023-06-10
Notification for Appointment to the post of Member of K-RERA
Notification for appointment to the post of Member of the Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority as provided under the Real Estate(Regulation and Development) Act, 2016More...2023-06-08
Registration with the Financial Intelligence Unit-India-reg
Real Estate Agents already registered with Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) having annual turnover of rupees twenty lakhs and above are directed to register with FIU-IND on or before 10/06/2023More...2023-05-18
K-RERA issues notification on registrability of projects
Clarification with respect to the threshold limits prescribed under Section 3(2)(a) of the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act 2016 and directions to the Promoters concerned - reg.More...2023-05-15
K-RERA - Registered Real Estate Agents - Complying with the provisions of the Act 2016-Reg.
Complying with the provisions of the Act 2016-Reg.More...2023-03-24
K-RERA Registration Number and Website address in advertisements & other publicity of the project by the Promoter
Directions to displaying of K-RERA RegNo_20230330_0001More...2023-02-17
Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering to Agents
Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards and Combating the Financing of TerrorismMore...2023-01-30
Form No. 6 Amendment
Kerala Real Estate Regulatory Authority(General) Regulations 2020 - Form No. 6 Amendment - Reg.More...2022-11-09
Directions to the Promoters carrying out "Plot Developments" which comes under the purview of the Real Estate
Regulation and DevelopmentMore...2022-10-22
Quarterly Update
PUBLIC NOTICE : Quarterly Update and Form 5 to be uploaded in the Online Web portal on or before 31st October 2022More...2022-10-07
K-RERA-Submission of application
K-RERA-Submission of application for registration of plot development /villa ProjectsMore...2022-10-07
Submission of annual report in Form No 5
PUBLIC NOTICE - Submission of annual report in Form No 5 by 31st October 2022 for the year 2021-22 reg:- order dated 07/10/2022More...2022-09-29
Filing of complaints and payment of fee through online
Vide Public Notice referred 1'st above, the Authority starts online filing of complaints (both Form M and N) and payment of feeMore...2022-08-02
Filing of complaints
Filing of complaints and payment of fee through online - regMore...2022-07-05
Execution of Sale Agreement
Registration of Real Estate Projects - Execution of Sale Agreement -RegMore...Showing 21 to 40 of 108